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Writer's pictureFalmouth Elementary PTO

Mariners Night Volunteers Needed! (Jan 25)

Concession Stand Volunteers:

We need a total of 8 volunteers to run a concession stand at the Mariners game on January 25! This is fun way to support the PTO, as the PTO stands to make 10% of all sales from the concessions, plus our percentage of tips. This is estimated to be more than $1K for the evening!

Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older. Volunteers must commit to the entire shift (~5 hours). The shift starts 1 hour before stadium doors open (4pm). The shift ends approximately half way through the third period (not an exact end time).

If you volunteer for this event you MUST attend or find a qualified replacement. We hope you can join us!

50/50 Raffle Volunteers:

We also need volunteers to help with the 50/50 Raffle!!

The 50/50 volunteers would arrive at 4:45pm (1.25 hours prior to game time) and would meet at the raffle table just past security at the main entrance.


  • Volunteers arrive one hour fifteen minutes prior to game time to be trained on the 50/50 sales system. (4 pm!)

  • Check-in: Guest Services Table in the lobby of the Expo.

Interested? Send us an e-mail:

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